Monster Farm Level Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10 cryoade Monster 2. You can help Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire Wiki by expanding it.

  1. The monster-face panel on the main plaza in the outdoor dream zone is a great place to do this. Note that taking a hit from an enemy will reduce your stock of Dream Shards. Platinum Demo: Finding.
  2. Raise Legendary Monsters at the Monster Pen! Your Hero will ride into battle in style and provide powerful boosts to your army! Monster Farm Level Lv 1 Lv 2 Lv 3 Lv 4 Lv 4 Lv 5 Lv 6 Lv 7 Lv 8 Lv 9 Lv 10 cryoade Monster 2 Marlboro Monster 3 Yojimbo Monster 4. You can help Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire Wiki by expanding it. Retrieved from.
  3. A new building has been introduced to Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire: The Monster Farm! In this article, we’ll be covering the new building and the new associated monster boost and answering frequently-asked questions concerning the Farm. You can also check out all of the Monsters that are in the Monster Farm here. Unlocking the Monster Farm.

Monster Troops[editedit source]

  • Monster Troop Capacity
  • Monster Troop March Size
  • Monster Troop Attack Bonus
  • Monster Troop Health Bonus
  • Monster Troop Armor Bonus
  • Deathclaw Troop Egg Production

Ffxv Monster Claw

Troop Boosts[editedit source]

  • Troop Attack Bonus
  • Troop HP Bonus
  • Troop Armor Bonus
  • Warrior Attack
  • Warrior HP
  • Warrior Armor
  • Mage Attack
  • Mage HP
  • Mage Armor
  • Cavalry Attack
  • Cavalry HP
  • Cavalry Armor
  • Siege Engine Attack
  • Siege Engine HP
  • Siege Engine Armor
  • Trap Attack
  • Trap HP
  • Trap Armor
  • Rally Attack Bonus
  • Rally City Assault Attack Bonus
  • Rally City Assault HP Bonus
  • City Assault Attack Bonus
  • City Assault HP Bonus
  • City Assault Armor Bonus
  • City Assault Siege Attack Bonus
  • City Assault Siege HP Bonus
  • City Assault Siege Armor Bonus
  • City Defense Attack Bonus
  • City Defense HP Bonus
  • City Defense Armor Bonus
  • Defender Armor Bonus
  • Banishment Portal Troop Attack Bonus
  • Banishment Portal Troop HP Bonus
  • Troop Attack With Hero
  • Troop HP With Hero
  • Troop HP Bonus While Attacking The Crystal
  • Tile Attack
  • Tile HP
  • Gathering Troop HP Bonus
  • Gathering Troop Attack Bonus
  • Commander HP Bonus
  • Commander Armor Bonus
  • Troop Attack With Commander
  • Troop HP With Commander
  • Min Defending Troop HP Bonus With Hero
  • Max Defending Troop HP Bonus With Hero
  • Embassy HP Bonus
  • Trap Repair Capacity
  • Trap Repair Speed
  • Garrison Attack
  • Garrison HP
  • Troop Attack Per Basic Research Speed
  • Troop Attack Per Royal, Exalted, and Divine Research Speed
  • Airship Attack Bonus Per Total March Speed
  • Warrior HP Bonus With Airships
  • Mage HP Bonus With Airships
  • Cavalry HP Bonus With Airships
  • Troop Attack Bonus Against Mages
  • Troop Attack Bonus Against Cavalry
  • Troop Attack Bonus Against Warriors
  • Troop Attack Bonus Against Mercenary Troops
  • Warrior Attack Against Cavalry
  • Warrior Attack Against Mercenary Marauders
  • Mage Attack Against Warriors
  • Mage Attack Against Mercenary Airships
  • Cavalry Attack Against Mages
  • Cavalry Attack Against Mercenary Raiders
  • Neutral Realm Attack
  • Neutral Realm HP
  • Lv 1-30 Accessory Stat Multiplier
  • Lv 1-30 Body Armor Stat Multiplier
  • Lv 1-30 Footwear Stat Multiplier
  • Lv 1-30 Helmet Stat Multiplier
  • Lv 1-30 Weapon Stat Multiplier
  • Lv 31-40 Accessory Stat Multiplier
  • Lv 31-40 Body Armor Stat Multiplier
  • Lv 31-40 Footwear Stat Multiplier
  • Lv 31 -40 Helmet Stat Multiplier
  • Lv 31 -40 Weapon Stat Multiplier
  • Lv 41-50 Accessory Stat Multiplier
  • Lv 41-50 Body Armor Stat Multiplier
  • Lv 41-50 Footwear Stat Multiplier
  • Lv 41-50 Helmet Stat Multiplier
  • Lv 41-50 Weapon Stat Multiplier
  • Body Armor Attack and HP Bonus Multiplier
  • Weapon Attack and HP Bonus Multiplier
  • Troop Load

Ffxv A New Empire Monster Farm Online

Mercenary Troop Boosts[editedit source]

  • Mercenary Troop Attack Bonus
  • Mercenary Troop HP Bonus
  • Mercenary Troop Armor Bonus
  • Mercenary Guardian Attack Bonus
  • Mercenary Airship Attack Bonus
  • Mercenary Magitek Attack Bonus
  • Mercenary Guardian HP Bonus
  • Mercenary Airship HP Bonus
  • Mercenary Magitek HP Bonus
  • Champion of Leviathan HP Bonus
  • Mercenary Airship Armor Bonus

Elemental Troop Boosts[editedit source]

  • All Elemental Troop Attack Bonus
  • All Elemental Troop HP Bonus
  • All Elemental Troop Armor Bonus
  • Elemental Focus: Elemental Troops plus 1 Tier
  • Earth Elemental Troop Attack Bonus
  • Earth Elemental Troop HP Bonus
  • Fire Elemental Troop Attack Bonus
  • Fire Elemental Troop HP Bonus
  • Ice Elemental Troop Attack Bonus
  • Ice Elemental Troop HP Bonus
  • Lightning Elemental Troop Attack Bonus
  • Lightning Elemental Troop HP Bonus
  • Lightning Elemental Troop Armor Bonus

March Boosts[editedit source]

  • Troop Capacity
  • Mercenary Troop Capacity
  • March Size
  • Rally Capacity
  • March Speed
  • Hero March Speed Bonus
  • Attack March Speed
  • Rally March Speed
  • March Slots
  • Monsters Champions Per March
  • Monster Champion March Count
  • The Crystal March Speed
  • Warrior March Speed
  • Mage March Speed
  • Cavalry March Speed
  • Siege March Speed
  • War March Speed
  • Scout March Speed
  • Trade March Speed
  • Hero Monster March Speed Bonus
  • March Return Speed Bonus
  • March Preset

Ffxv A New Empire Blog

Hero Boosts[editedit source]

  • Hero Attack Bonus
  • Hero Critical Hit
  • Hero Critical Damage
  • Hero Attack Streak
  • Additional Streak per Attack
  • Max MP
  • MP Recovery
  • MP Cost Reduction
  • Lucky Strike
  • Lucky Kill
  • All Hero EXP Modifier
  • Hero EXP Retention
  • Noctis Hero EXP Modifier
  • Prompto Hero EXP Modifier
  • Luna Hero EXP Modifier
  • Ignis Hero EXP Modifier
  • Aranea Hero EXP Modifier
  • Gladiolus Hero EXP Modifier
  • Ravus Hero EXP Modifier
  • Cindy Hero EXP Modifier
  • Iris Hero EXP Modifier
  • Max Noctis MP Multiplier Bonus
  • Max Prompto MP Multiplier Bonus
  • Max Luna MP Multiplier Bonus
  • Max Noctis MP Multiplier Bonus
  • Max Prompto MP Multiplier Bonus
  • Max Luna MP Multiplier Bonus
  • Max Ignis MP Multiplier Bonus
  • Max Aranea MP Multiplier Bonus
  • Max Gladiolus MP Multiplier Bonus
  • Max Gladiolus MP Multiplier Bonus
  • Max Ravus MP Multiplier Bonus
  • Max Cindy MP Multiplier Bonus
  • Gladiolus Level Up MP Carryover
  • Monster Champion Hatching Stone Luck
  • Realm Boss: Behemoth Elite Blueprint and Tome Quadrupler
  • Realm Boss: Wyvern Divine Blueprint and Tome Quadrupler
  • Realm Boss: Iron Giant Exalted Blueprint and Tome Quadrupler
  • Realm Boss: Malbodoom Royal Blueprint and Scroll Quadrupler
  • Dungeon Health Bonus
  • Dungeon Stamina Bonus
  • Physical Damage Bonus
  • Light Elemental Bonus
  • Armiger Enchantment Level
  • Hexatheon Enchantment Level
  • Bioblast Enchantment Level
  • Sagefire Enchantment Level
  • Seismic Valor Enchantment Level
  • Seismic Valor: Troop Attack Per Earth Elemental Attack Bonus
  • Seismic Valor: Troop HP Per Earth Elemental HP Bonus
  • Seismic Valor: Troop Armor Per Earth Elemental Armor Bonus
  • Tenebraen Gambit Enchantment Level

Economics Boosts[editedit source]

  • Max Gear Power-Up Level
  • Basic Construction Speed
  • Construction Resource Cost Efficiency
  • All Research Speed
  • Defense Research Time Reduction
  • Basic Research Speed
  • Royal Research Speed
  • Research Resource Cost Efficiency
  • Crafting Speed
  • Basic Construction Speed
  • Exalted Research Speed
  • Royal Construction Speed
  • Divine Research Speed
  • Exalted Construction Speed
  • Divine Construction Speed
  • Elite Construction Speed
  • Majestic Construction Speed
  • Grandiose Construction Speed
  • Crafting Cost Reduction
  • Gathering Speed
  • Gold Gathering Speed
  • Training Queue
  • Mercenary Training Queue
  • Training Queue Multiplier Bonus
  • Training Queue
  • Mercenary Training Queue
  • Training Queue Multiplier Bonus
  • Training Speed
  • Warrior Training Speed
  • Mage Training Speed
  • Cavalry Training Speed
  • Siege Engine Training Speed
  • Extra Ingredient Slot
  • Trap Building Speed
  • Hospital Capacity Bonus
  • Hospital Healing Speed
  • Treasury Maximum Deposit
  • Treasury Interest Rate
  • Detention Time Decrease
  • Enemy Hero Banishment Bonus Duration
  • Bonus Guardian's Shield Production from Guardian Enclave
  • Bonus Ascension Chest Production from District
  • Bonus Origins Commanders Hall Chest Production from Commander Academy
  • Bonus Blacksmith Crafting Material Chest Production from Blacksmith
  • Bonus Fire Essence Production from Fire Well
  • Bonus Ice Essence Production from Ice Well
  • Bonus Lightning Essence Production from Lightning Well
  • Bonus Earth Essence Production from Earth Well
  • Crafting Luck
  • Resource Vault Capacity Bonus
  • Loot Tile Gather Luck
  • War Spoils
  • Loot Tile Gather Speed
  • VIP Duration
  • Trade Capacity
  • Trading Tax Reduction
  • Loyalty
  • Captured Prisoner Hero Bonus
  • Max Prisoners Providing Bonus
  • All Troop Upkeep Cost Reduction
  • T7 Mage Resource Cost Reduction
  • Instant Guild Helps
  • Max Empire Expansions
  • Max Wonders
  • Max Garrisons
  • Reinforcement Capacity
  • Meal Duration Increase

Resource Boosts.[editedit source]

  • Farm Production
  • Food Production
  • Wheat Production
  • Corn Production
  • Rice Production
  • Oats Production
  • Barley Production
  • Elite Food Production
  • Majestic Food Production
  • Food Production Capacity
  • Wheat Production Capacity
  • Corn Production Capacity
  • Rice Production Capacity
  • Extractor Production
  • Energy Production
  • Essence Production
  • Spirit Production
  • Mana Production
  • Spark Production
  • Plasma Production
  • Elite Energy Production
  • Majestic Energy Production
  • Essence Production Capacity
  • Quarry Production
  • Stone Production
  • Granite Production
  • Marble Production
  • Obsidian Production
  • Slate Production
  • Jade Production
  • Elite Stone Production
  • Majestic Stone Production
  • Granite Production Capacity
  • Mine Production
  • Metal Production
  • Lead Production
  • Copper Production
  • Iron Production
  • Titanium Production
  • Mithril Production
  • Elite Metal Production
  • Majestic Metal Production
  • Bank Production
  • Gil Production
  • Coin Production
  • Silverpiece Production
  • Banknote Production
  • Crowns Production
  • Divine Coin Production
  • Elite Coin Production
  • Majestic Coin Production
  • Coin Production Capacity
  • Upkeep Efficiency (Food and Wheat)

Cost Reduction Boosts[editedit source]

Ffxv New Empire Cheat Engine

  • Basic Construction Time Cost Reduction
  • Trap Building Cost Reduction
  • Cost Reduction of Noctis Medal Requirements
  • Cost Reduction of Prompto Medal Requirements
  • Cost Reduction of Luna Medal Requirements
  • Cost Reduction of Royal Building Blueprint Requirements
  • Cost Reduction of Royal Research Scroll Requirements
  • Cost Reduction of Exalted Research Tome Requirements
  • Cost Reduction of Divine Research Tome Requirements
  • Cost Efficiency of All Tier 1 Resources towards Construction
  • Cost Efficiency of All Tier 2 Resources towards Construction
  • Cost Efficiency of All Tier 3 Resources towards Construction
  • Cost Efficiency of All Tier 4 Resources towards Construction
  • Cost Efficiency of All Tier 5 Resources towards Construction
  • Cost Efficiency of All Tier 6 Resources towards Construction
  • Cost Efficiency of All Elite Resources towards Construction
  • Cost Efficiency of Elite Food towards Construction
  • Cost Efficiency of Elite Energy towards Construction
  • Cost Efficiency of Elite Stone towards Construction
  • Cost Efficiency of Elite Metal towards Construction
  • Cost Efficiency of Elite Coin towards Construction
  • Cost Efficiency of All Majestic Resources to Construction
  • Cost Efficiency of Majestic Food towards Construction
  • Cost Efficiency of Majestic Energy towards Construction
  • Cost Efficiency of Majestic Stone towards Construction
  • Cost Efficiency of Majestic Metal towards Construction
  • Cost Efficiency of Majestic Coin towards Construction
  • Cost Efficiency of All Grandiose Resources to Construction
  • Cost Reduction of All Tier 1 Resources for Economics Research
  • Cost Reduction of All Tier 2 Resources for Economics Research
  • Cost Reduction of All Tier 1 Resources for Hero Research
  • Cost Reduction of All Tier 2 Resources for Hero Research
  • Cost Reduction of All Resources for Crafting Research

Astral Boosts[editedit source]

Ffxv A New Empire Monster Farm
  • Leviathan Attack Bonus
  • Leviathan HP Bonus
  • Leviathan Armor Bonus
  • Leviathan HP Regeneration Speed
  • Astral Reinforcement Capacity
  • Astral Rally Size
  • Astral March Size
  • Enemy Astral Armor Debuff with Juggernaut
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