Jun 12, 2018. May 18, 2013.

How to Restart Page Numbering in Word

Usually, the page number in Microsoft Word will start at the first page by default. However, there’re instances where you might want to change the numbering at middle or somewhere for any purpose. If you would like to reset page numbering in Word, here is a guide on how to start page numbering on somewhere of the document.

1. Locate the Page Where you Want to Restart Page Numbering for
Open your document and then locate the page where you would like to restart the page number. At the top of the page, you should place the cursor at the beginning of the text by clicking on it. If there is no composition in the page yet, then click the first line.

2. Inset a Section Break and Start New Section on the Next Page
Now go to Page Layout from the top menu, then click the Breaks command. Then you will see a drop-down menu appear, select Next Page to insert a section break.

3. Unlink the Page from the Previous Pages
Double click the footer or header area in the new section, and then go to Design tab and deselect the Link to Previous command. After that, you can modify the page numbers in the new section depending on what you need.

4. Format Page Number
Now go to Page Number in the Design menu, and then select Format Page Numbers.

5. Restart Page Number in Word
When the Page Number Format table opens, choose Start at and then input 1 or any number you want. Click on OK to restart the page number.

6. Edit the Page Number Style
If you want to modify the page number style, please select the page number and then go to Home tab. You can change the font, color, size, and more.

Once finished, you can double click the body section of your document or click on Esc to exit from the footer or header area.

This is all about how to reset page numbering in Word. Hope this helps!

  • This doesn’t work for me! Microsoft Word for Mac 2016. Very frustrated..

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Microsoft Word or Word is a word processing tool developed by Microsoft. The word processor was firstly released on October 25, 1983. Initially, it was known as Multi-Tool Word for Xenix systems. Later on, some other versions were released for other platforms. These platforms mainly include IBM PCs that was running on DOS in 1983, Apple Macintosh running the classic Mac OS in 1985 and later on more Operating Systems.

Header and Footer in a Word Document:

Header and Footer are two sections of a document that helps users make their Word Document more attractive and informative. The header section is that section of the document that appears in the top margin of the page. While the footer section of any document appears at the bottom margin of the page. These two sections are generally helpful in making any document more informative.

Header and footer of a document generally contain some additional information regarding the document. These two sections mainly contain information such as page number, author name, date, and some footnotes. This allows users to keep their longer documents well organized and easier to read and understand for other users too. The text entered by the user in header or footer of any page will appear on all the pages of the document.

How to delete Header and Footer from the first page of a Word Document:

Many times users may not want to include header or footer to appear on the first page of the Word Document. As most of the times users like to make the first page as the title page of their document.

Step I: At first make the header and footer area active by double-clicking the area.

Step II: Double-clicking on the Header or Footer area will also activate the Header & Footer Tools section on Word’s Ribbon. From the Design tab of that particular section, select the Different First Page checkbox.

This will remove the Header and Footer from the first page of the document. This will also allow users to type different details in the sections.

Deleting Header and Footer from other pages of the Word Document:

Removing Header and Footer from the first page is an easy task. However, same cannot be said by removing them from other pages. Word doesn’t allow users to change the layout of a single page. Headers and Footers are also considered as a part of the layout. Word’s layout feature always applies to the whole part of the document rather than some pages.

Step I: So in order to remove Header and Footer from a single page, the user first need to create a section. Then the user will have to change the layout of the page of that particular section to landscape orientation. In order to do so, the user should place the cursor at the end of the page just before that page which user wants to convert to landscape mode.

Step II: Next user should switch the tab to Layout tab on the Word ribbon.

How To Delete All Page Footers In Word For Mac 2011 Download

Step III: From the Layout tab click on the Breaks button. Then a drop-down menu will appear. From the drop-down menu select the Next Page option.

Step IV: This will create a section break where the user has placed the cursor. Now double click on the Header or Footer area from the page you want to remove them to make it active. Then go to the Design tab in the Header & Footer area of the Ribbon. Now click on the Link To the Previous button. This will make the button de-selected. Now, user has broken the link of that particular section of the document to the previous section’s header or footer.

Step V: Now user can easily remove the Header and Footer from the page by just deleting the Header or the Footer from the page.

This will remove the Header or Footer from the page. But work is not complete yet. On further scrolling down the page, users will see that Header and Footer from all the pages following the section are removed. So, now the user will have to create a new section and then recreate the Header and Footer for that section.

In order to do so, the user should place the cursor at the end of the page just before that page which user wants to convert to landscape mode.

Next user should switch the tab to Layout tab on the Word ribbon.

From the Layout tab click on the Breaks button. Then a drop-down menu will appear. From the drop-down menu select the Next Page option.

This will create a section break where the user has placed the cursor. Now double click on the Header or Footer area from the page you want to remove them to make it active. Then go to the Design tab in the Header & Footer area of the Ribbon. Now click on the Link To the Previous button. This will make the button de-selected. Now, the user has broken the link of that particular section of the document to the previous section’s header or footer.

Now, all user have to do is just to create the Header and Footer of their choice that they want for the rest of the document.

It is not a very tough process to delete Header or Footer from a single page of Word Document. A user will just need right guidance to do it. So, I hope that readers will find this tutorial helpful in deleting Header and Footer from a single page of their Word Document.