Dec 30, 2019. Dec 14, 2011. Disclaimer: this article contains unofficial spoilers about the new Legends of Runeterra set. In the latest patch, there was a massive leak of the audio voicelines for unreleased champions. The new data paints complete picture of the thematics of the next Legends of Runeterra set. Dec 22, 2018.

Riot Games offers frequent discounts on League of Legends’ many champions and skins, but the way the discount system works is changing in 2019.

Basic discounts on League of Legends items usually come twice a week with a predetermined list of champions and skins put on sale when the discounts go live, those promotions lasting until they’re replaced by the next bundle of sales. These recurring discounts are broken up by larger events like the Your Shop marketplace that gives players discounts on skins for their most-played champions as well as the Essence Emporium, the rare shop that lets players use Blue Essence to buy items that usually cost Riot Points. Riot Games said that in 2019, it’s changing up how it approaches these types of promotions.

League Of Legends Unreleased Championship

“In 2019, we’re revamping our sales,” Riot Games said. “First up, we’ll be focusing on more favorites like Your Shop, event passes, and the Essence Emporium. Next, we’ll be experimenting with weekly sales over the next few months.”

The event passes mentioned by Riot Games are a relatively new product that’s released during special League of Legends events like the World Championship. They essentially operated the same as other games’ “pass” items where players pay an upfront price and can complete missions to gain a form of limited-time currency which can then be used to by skins, icons, and other products that disappear from the store once the event is over.

Summing up what players can expect from the changes in 2019, Riot Games said “the total amount of content going on sale will go up.” Players should see a shift towards newer, higher-quality skins, the announcement said, though classic cosmetics and champions will still be included. Riot Games previewed some of its plans for the new weekly sales that’ll be tested in the coming months with those potential sales events listed below:


League Of Legends Released Champions

  • Every Monday at noon PT, there will be at least 20 items on sale in the store
  • We’ll feature sales in the store front page below “Popular items” instead of in sale schedule announcements (see our refund policy here)
  • Everything eligible for weekly sales, early sales, or essence emporiums could be included in a sale
  • We’ll have at least two dedicated essence emporiums a year
  • Monthly bundles will be cut from the rotation

Those monthly bundles often combined several champions and skins which shared a common theme and priced them at one discounted Riot Points price, but it looks like they’ll be removed as part of Riot Games’ testing.

Riot Games said it’ll be monitoring players’ feedback on the new discount system as the tests begin in 2019.

There was no info about this Champion.
The 'Ritual of Rebirth' mentioned in Well's backstory is incredibly similar to Damphair, a character from George Martin's Song of Ice and Fire book series. Damphair worships an entity called the Drowned God and 'baptizes' others by holding them underwater and then resuscitating them afterwards.
Despite the traditionally peaceful ways of his people, Urf, the Manatee, idolized the strength and prowess of Champions in the League of Legends and strived to become one. Of all the League's Champions, there was none that Urf admired more than Jax, the Armsmaster. Since the introduction of the arena, no man has forced the League of Legends to revise their regulations more often than Jax, and the self-proclaimed Grandmaster at Arms rattled off a streak of 152 consecutive wins.
Warwick wearing the remains of Urf :(
Omen is a four-legged demon-like creature. He is a cancelled champion that eventually made way for Riven. The cancellation of Omen was the cause of the eventual V1.0.0.125 delay since Riot had to push up the Riven release. It is said that Omen is not completely removed, but shelved for the moment until they can make him fully desirable by all Riot Staff members, as only 50% supported his release at the time.