Steel Faith Overhaul Review

The air is thick with fog, fire, and blood. The battlefield is strewn in the massive casualties of another campaign. Whether you’ve chosen to spread order, domination, or corruption or simply choose to preserve your chosen race, Total War: Warhammer brings players into the strife-riven Warhammer universe upon the tried and true mechanics of Creative Assembly’s Total War series foundation. Ultimate Chaos; a total overhaul of the Chaos Faction! The mission is to make Ultimate Chaos a DLC level mod in terms of quality. Please be aware that you must also subscribe to the Ultimate Chaos Texture Pack and Ultimate Chaos Models Pack for this mod to work. Jul 07, 2020. Manna™ Attribute Vogue® 17 oz. Stainless Steel Double Wall Water Bottle in Seashells. 14 14 Reviews. Free Shipping on Orders Over $39. Free Shipping on Orders Over $39. Manna™ 7-Piece Multicolor Silicone Straws and Straw Brush Set. 136 136 Reviews. Free Shipping on Orders Over $39. Manna™ Ranger PRO 26 oz.

Steel Faith Overhaul Review List

I just read on the steam workshop that venris took steel faith overhaul from the original creator. here is the comment on steam. Justr wanted to post here cause as a community we should all help in this, anyway we can. All I can do is be a messenger.
Just to quickly inform everyone. Venris has has betrayed me, illegally *copyrighted* SFO mod from me, without every obtaining my permission, and is attempting to prevent me from ever mod again using my own mod I created. He has been able to stay in contact with my by phone and email, but never attempted to reach out to me. So he then took it upon himself to move forward and aggressively attempt to take full ownership of SFO through a copyright.
I had given him permission to continue developing the mod, but I never gave him full ownership of the mod, and i never said I was done modding forever, as SFO will always be my mod that I alone created. Although now, he is attempting to prevent me from ever developing my own mod, and having creative rights over it.
He has solely been collecting all income from Patreon, and is sponsored and paid by Patreon to boot, but I never asked for a penny in return, because I wanted what was best for him and his family. But this is how you are repaid for kindness by some people. After he started pulling in many thousands of USD (which he now hides, so you cannot know the exact amount, so it will not discourage people from donating more), he has become immensely greedy, and has worked to remove me in every way from my own mod, to prevent me ever coming back.
'SFO is become something much bigger than a small mod for a great game.' - Venris
SFO has NEVER been a small mod. I'm sure you can browse the workshop and view the many thousands of small mods, which only take a few hours, or even a few days to create. SFO was always a massive undertaking, and a massive mod, and it required my attention and passion, to levels I never showed anything quite frankly. So much so it put a strain on my personal life, and I paid a lot to develop this very expansive and detailed mod. But now my thousands of hours of hard work, my struggle to make this the best mod it could be, and now my name is being erased so one man can take all credit, and have full control, and monetize everything I have built.
Instead of showing any respect, gratitude, and appreciation for what I have done for him and this community, he refers to me as the 'talented, but troubled creator' - a nicety followed by an insult, which is highly inappropriate and hurtful. There's many reasons for this, which I found out now why, but none of it is fair or accurate.
I have never heard of something like this happening before in modding of any game, so I'm unsure how to proceed or what to do. I likely will have to reach out to a lawyer to help me with this now. I just wanted to inform everyone in the community of his unjust actions, so all can be aware - especially those giving up their hard earned money to support someone like this.
***Venris does not have my permission to use my work now. Does not have permission to steal my mod, and then re-upload it as his own. Does not have permission to monetize anything I created. And does not have the right to prevent me from modding my own creation.***

Steel Faith Overhaul Removed

Steel faith overhaul review

Steel Faith Overhaul Review

Steel Faith Overhaul Review Guide

Steel faith also has a multitude of minor changes. Changes to buildings, stats of pretty much every unit, skill trees to an extent, magic is rebalnced to be slightly more impactful (it was a much larger difference in WH1 when magic sucked some serious ass), and many more. I would read the full changelog which is on his steam page.