Apr 02, 2003. May 23, 2014.
Published 1/27/03, AoM v1.02 |
By L_Clan_Justin
This is a simple, straightforward guide to a practical way todevelop your economy and execute an attack when playing as Loki.
Starting off
Assuming you get Hunting Dogs nor Husbandry:
- Villagers 1-6 go to food.
- Make an oxcart
- Create 2 dwarves to be sent to gold
- Make another oxcart
- Send 2 vills to wood
- From that point I send 3-4 vills to herd animals around TC after being created
- Mix in 2-3 more dwarves to help preserve food to advance
- 1 more villager to mine gold, eventually going up w/ 22 population at approx. 3:55. (Reach Classical Age by approx. 4:55)
When Getting Husbandry (100 wood 50 gold)the start slightly alters, you still go 1-6 food, but then it is:
- Vill to gold + cart
- Vill to wood + cart
- Dwarf to gold
- Vill to wood
From there it goes back to basic guide of 3-4 more dwarfs to save food for advancing whenver you have enough gold to make a dwarf.

When Getting Hunting Dogs (100 wood 100 gold)vills dont collect more food, therefore you can go straight vills at start without any hiccups, so after 1-6 to food.
- 2 Vills to gold + cart
- 2 Vills to wood +cart
- Dwarf to gold
- Vill to gold
From there its back to basic guide of adding dwarfs (3-4) to reserve food to advance at 22 pop, while conserving food supply.
*NOTE: Throughout Archaic Age, no Loki player should have more than 2 villagers on wood. It's just a waste.
Scouting and Map Type
- It's important to see what kind of map you have right away, so you know whether you will research Husbandry or Hunting Dogs.
- If you see berries or chickens, but no hunting around the TC area, get Husbandry ASAP, even if you later find hunting
- Maps like Ghost Lake, Oasis, Alfheim are generally Husbandry maps
- Husbandry increases rate at which villagers gather from herd animals and increases villager carrying capacity (this makes farming later much more efficient)
- Even on Alfheim if it's good hunt, I like to get Husbandry because that's a map where you have to farm earlier most times.
- Get Hunting Dogs if you see +500 food worth of hunting right away. If it's Savanah, wait a minute to see if you should get Hunting Dogs or Husbandry, because many times with Loki it is more beneficial to get Husbandry ASAP, and save the hunting that's farther away for your Classical Age attack.
Playing Style/Choosing Classical Age Minor Deities
- When I play Loki I always go offensive (the only exception would be a Poseidon enemy, in which you build at home most times).
- An offensive Loki player should take 2 villagers that were gathering from herd animals around the TC and send them to chop wood as soon as Classical Age is clicked; in this way you have 4 on wood, 6-7 on gold, and 7-8 on food.
- Forsetti gives you healing springs and the Troll MU (this is the weaker god and should be avoided)
- Heimdall gives you Undermine and Einherjars. The Einherjar is extremely powerful and when massed can be hard to stop. Undermine is very useful for taking out 1-2 towers, especially against an Egypt player.
- Many good players forget to use the SPY god power. I like to use it on a wood chopper against another Norse, and on a gold miner against an Eggy or Greek.
Classical Age Strategy Elements
- Your forward temple should be placed on the outskirts of the enemy town- preferably on the side so there is less chance he will spot it.
- At this point during advancement, pump hersir with all the resources you have and put up 2 houses.
- You should reach Classical Age at about 4:55.
- You will have 3 Hersir with 1-2 more on way.
- Immediately send 2 herisirs and attack a tower; this will start gathering favor for einherjars, while your ulf and other hersirs lay down 2 barracks (you will have between 40-70 wood, so it will be another minute before 3rd rax goes up)
- DO NOT MAKE THROWING AXEMEN, as Raiding Cavalry rip apart TA in the early game because ta need to be used in numbers to be effective.
- In the early game, I see many players make TA; this setup will prevent you from having enough wood, but you will be able to make RC non-stop from your 2 barracks until you reach 45 pop. (It doesn't matter which civ you play against; make RC!)
- Take 2 RC and help take out towers- hopefully you will have one(maybe almost 2) down by the time the enemy has the ability to make troops.
- With your next 4 RC, hit his wood if your playing a norse, and hit the gold if your playing a Eggy/Greek.
Disrupting Enemy Economy/Maintaining Your Eco & Army
- Back at home, when you get to Classical, make 2-3 dwarves and send to gold.
- You will have more gold than food, so save food for your army for now, and stick to dwarves; after a few dwarves, mix in villagers and send them to wood
- Raiding is very important; you should be able to see a gathering spot due to spies, so hit it and run.
- Save Undermine for until he upgrades to Watch Tower. If he does, (or if enemy is Eggy use it on a tower blocking a gathering spot)
- Around 7 minutes you should put up 3rd rax.
- At this point you should have made your dwarves at home, and started making vills; this gives you a higher income of gold now- of which you only need to spend on military.
- Stick with RC vs. another Norse no matter what he counters with. They are the best to raid with, and 99% players wont make ulfs, because they know another norse can make TA easily to counter them. So, he'll most likely RC/TA vs you.
- This is great time to start making einherjars; the upgrade for them 'Elhrimmir Kettle' gives them much better attack, but it costs a good amount of resources. Therefore it should be avoided unless you have a surplus. (which wont come til a bit later in classical)
- Against an Egpyt mix in TA (not needed: medium upgrade for TA, best to have numbers)
- Against a Greek, be more varied in unit creation, make more TA, RC, and Ulfsarks as a whole
- Upgrades are more important vs a Greek because of their superior troops, but since you built at home if you're playing vs. Greek, your economy will be slightly better early on, but you also won't have an attack advantage either.
- Knowing how to gradually mix in farming and balance your attack while you start farming is important, as more farming will be done earlier using all RC, mixing in TA will result in less food used, but more wood taken, so it really is based on how the game is being played as to when you farm.
- Advancing to Heroic isn't as important as norse, and as Loki keeping enemy with you in Classical is often a good idea.
Choosing Deities in Post-Classical
- Bragi: gives you flaming weapons and the battle boar
- Njord: gives you walking woods and mountain giant.
- I choose the Heroic god based on my economy; if I have alot of gold, I like to choose Bragi so I can make battle boars and save my food, and flaming weapons is a great gp for overtaking enemy in battle.
- I choose Njord when I have alot of food, or if my enemy has taken a slight advantage over me, I give him Walking Woods to play around with while im strengthening again
- Getting Raiding Cav upgrade to Heavy isn't important. Your main goal should be to get a hillfort up so you can make rams (or if vs. a Egypt or Greek, Huskarls).
- When taking settlements, try to take his and leave yours empty back at home if possible. Your army is already at the enemy, and it takes it away from his ability to use them.
- At this point, hersirs become a lot less involved in your army if there are any left at all.
- Against a Ra Fast Heroic, grab the hack armor upgrade at your armory. With this armor, Huskies hold their own very well vs camels, and a mix of ulfs and husks will rip through cams/chariots.
*NOTE: Most Loki games will end in heroic(for some reason) getting into a mythic battle vs other civs isnt best idea for Loki players
Mythic Deities
- Hel: gives you Nidhogg and Fire Giant
- Tyr: gives you Fimbulwinter and Fenris Wolfhounds
- Fimbulwinter is the way to go in team games, but as this focuses on 1x1, I like to pick Hel because Fire giants are extremely overpowered (dm guys cry about it alot) and Nidhogg is a nice addition to any battle, (except against Zeus b/c of the bolt GP)
- This far into game, upgrade infantry line and work more infantry into army and less gold, market trade is usually a bad sign for Loki, as their economy is weaker in late games compared to other civs
*NOTE: Same basic principles and god selection as on land maps with Loki.
Important Pointers -
- To start, Loki is a 2 dock civ (on Anatolia or Midgard, make 2 docks to fish). This means after your first 4 fishing boats, go make a new dock on the same coast but farther down.
- Initial 2 vills + cart go to chop wood (this gives you more wood to fish earlier)
- Next 3 vills + cart go food
- Next make 2 dwarves + cart and mine gold
- Then you should make a villager, send it to food.
- By now you have 3 fishing ships and a good influx of food. Now it's time to fish like hell.
- Send next 8-9 vills to wood and fish like hell (this will be your food economy).
- Advancment will be about 20 secs later at about 4:20 or so with 35 pop.
- When advancing, take 3 villagers off wood and gather food with them
- Take the 4 vills that were gathering food and mine gold. You ned to protect this food, (but it's likely your outfishing enemy, so make 3-4 ships, but try to avoid all out water battle) a few mins into Classical Age you'll want to grab Pure Seine which increases fishing ships' efficiency
Age Of Mythology Strategy Guide
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