- Secret Weapons For The Modern Drummer Dvd Download Torrent
- Secret Weapons For The Modern Drummer Dvd Download Free
Departments Print Percussion Drum Set Hudson Music Jojo Mayer - Secret Weapons for the Modern Drummer, Part II - DVD Add to Wish List SKU: # 429689.
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- Secret Weapons For The Modern Drummer Part 2 DVD by Jojo Mayer DVD £23.16 Sent from and sold by examdots uk. Tommy Igoe: Great Hands For A Lifetime DVD by Tommy Igoe DVD £16.59.

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Product Description
One of the most comprehensive and detailed volumes on hand technique ever produced, Jojo Mayer's Secret Weapons for the Modern Drummer is recommended for drummers of every age, style and skill level.
Secret Weapons For The Modern Drummer Dvd Download Torrent
The double-DVD, 3-hour set covers a wide range of information on drumming technique, from the most fundamental to the most advanced. Yet, Secret Weapons is more than just the ultimate instructional method and reference guide: it also showcases the inspiring artistry, musical philosophy and groundbreaking technical abilities of one of today's most progressive performers and educators.
Among Jojos flawless demonstrations and in-depth explanations, Secret Weapons various chapters feature topics such as:
- A basic approach to technique and the physics of drumming.
- Analysis of hand positions, matched and traditional grips, rebound and the fulcrum and the Gladstone, Moeller and finger techniques.
- Highly-evolved, hybrid techniques such as the push-pull, drop-bounce, reverse stroke and one-handed roll.
- Exercises to build Speed, Accuracy, Endurance, Power and Dexterity
- Concepts to troubleshoot and overcome technical barriers.
- Warm-Up and Practice tips
Secret Weapons For The Modern Drummer Dvd Download Free
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